גמר חתימה טובה to all my chosen people! Hope you had an easy fast, mine wasn't so bad.
Temple was good too, someone put Gilad Shalit's name to mention in prayers there and that made me happy to know I wasn't the only one in my temple praying for him on Yom Kippur- and then I repented for Baxter and I's sins. (In case you don't know who Gilad Shalit is, http://www.habanim.org/en/index_en.html)
Next year hopefully I will be celebrating the high holidays in Israel! Sababa (awesome/cool)!!
So the Eagles won on Sunday, happy about that. After last weeks game I wondered if we could hold it together without McNabb and I think its been proved that we can! Another sababa moment.
On a more serious note, I am really distraught by the news that facebook is going to shutdown the facebook pages of many major respected jewish organizations. This doesn't make any sense to me, and I have no idea how facebook could do this. Of course, they chose to do it on the day after Yom Kippur. The JIDF and all of those organizations do great work to keep hatred off the Internet as well as provide a network for Jews. Why does the world hate us so much- and why do we keep asking ourselves this question throughout history? Without organizations to help hatred stay with the crazies who thrive off of it, more lies get spread about Jews, more lies that do not need to spread. Whether your Jewish or not, anti-semitism is a HUGE problem in this world, and I urge EVERYONE to help stop ANY sort of hatred towards ANYONE (except for terrorists- we can all safely hate them as much as we want).
I posted the news article about the Jewish organizations after this post. Read and take action- I did, 'cause I am sababa like that.
(see you later...love and peace) להיתראות... שלום ואהבה
Milei’s Libra Meme Coin Meltdown
5 days ago
Hey Erica! I agree, peace towards everyone!! and sababa! I learned a new word reading your blog, sababa! I'm going to say that alot now lol:) sababa! have a good night:)
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