Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is this thing still on?

Hey guys!

Wow I've been gone for so long, you probably don't know or remember me.

Culinary school and interning took over my life for the last 7 months!

I'm done with culinary school, have a great job at a great restaurant and I've been saving up for, well, life. I may move elsewhere in the USA (probably Cali) before the end of next year- NYC living is just way too expensive, and quite frankly I'm sick of cold weather and concrete. That being said, it's all working towards the greater plan- to open a restaurant on the beach of Tel Aviv. I still have a ways to go to save up money, so it may take some time, but I sure as hell can't wait.

Anyways, I'm still going to be using this blog for that purpose- to write about saving, moving, and what's going in Israel right now. I still am concerned about Israel and its portrayal in the media. In fact, I just saw an article in Time the other way, with a very offensive cover to go along with it. I'll be writing about that soon, and this whole mess going on with the burning of the Koran on 9/11. But I want to make sure I separate my feelings and subject matter, so I've decided to start another blog- Here, Phishy Fishy- to write about the other important things in my life, Phish and sustainable, eco-friendly cooking. It'll be launched in the next few days.

I'll let you guys know when it's launched, and I won't let our meetings fall this far apart next time, I promise!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

i swear i'm back!

Hi! So sorry I've been MIA, the end of the year got super hectic and then before I knew it I was on a plane to Florida for vacation. Had an awesome time, first spent a few days in Disney World with the cousins, then spent the rest of my time in Miami to see the rest of my family and see Phish for their NYE run. I was blessed with attending probably the some of best Phish shows I've ever seen. I have some great pictures I'm gonna post and I'm going to attempt to do my first Phish write-up.

I'm also be finishing my politics rant very soon, I promise.

Meanwhile, this eagles game is really depressing.
