Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here's a link if you want to donate tzedakah to a good Jewish organization, or if you are looking to volunteer. Enjoy! Lehit.

just wow.

Read this survey about the opinion of American Jews and Israel and please let me know if this is all some sick joke to make me mad.

Who does the world hate more, America or Israel?

Very interesting CNN article about "haters of America" and, seriously, buddy, you wanna worry about Israel and nuking America? Hmm...



As I mentioned yesterday, the leader of the JIDF, David Appletree, was removed from Facebook today as expected. This article does a great job of explaining why this is SERIOUSLY NOT OK!!!

The JIDF (you can check their website out by clicking on me) is an organization aimed towards removing anti-semitism from the Internet, a vast task as so many people post anti-semitic thoughts on the Internet, and their leader, David Appletree, is an incredibly brave person for the work he does. As a result of the work he does, he receives death threats and as a result needs to keep his identity protected, something which Facebook was willing to accept at one point, but apparently no more.

What's even more shocking is that Facebook took down not only David's Facebook page, but threatened other Jewish organizations as well. Meanwhile they have not approached anti-Israel and Holocaust denying pages found on their site about their identification.

It's instances like this that shock me and disgust me. I have always had a love hate relationship with Facebook, but after going to Israel and making Israeli friends, and especially now that I'm moving, I've been using Facebook a lot to keep in touch with people and hopefully in the future ask any questions I may have about moving. So right when I start to really use Facebook, something like this happens where I just don't want to be even associated with a site that can do something like this.

I hope that I can compel some people to act on David's behalf- I think Facebook is sick of me because I've already sent them a bunch of e-mails supporting David and the JIDF. Facebook should be a safe haven where everyone should be friends, not a means to spread hatred; David's work prevented this from happening, and I hope now that all of his hard work is not reversed because of some really inexplicable move by Facebook.

Done ranting. Lehit. :)


Enjoy this great article about hebrew slang and "You Don't Mess With The Zohan"

Israel to receive new video of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit - Haaretz - Israel News

Israel to receive new video of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit - Haaretz - Israel News

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Facebook article

Read this great article about what's going on in the Facebook world. It's truly disgusting.


Today has been incredibly unnerving. Iran has missiles that can hit Israel. Several important Jewish groups are booted off of Facebook. A New Jersey temple is vandalized with swastikas as Yom Kippur ends .

I hate feeling helpless to do anything about this now. I just hope that one day, my work will change minds, and hopefully one day that can help lead to (more) peace.

שלום. because its means bye and peace.

YOM KIPPUR FACEBOOK CLAMPDOWN ON THE JEWS: Chabad, AISH, IDF, Arutz Sheva, and others threatened for deactivation!

YOM KIPPUR FACEBOOK CLAMPDOWN ON THE JEWS: Chabad, AISH, IDF, Arutz Sheva, and others threatened for deactivation!

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גמר חתימה טובה!

גמר חתימה טובה to all my chosen people! Hope you had an easy fast, mine wasn't so bad.

Temple was good too, someone put Gilad Shalit's name to mention in prayers there and that made me happy to know I wasn't the only one in my temple praying for him on Yom Kippur- and then I repented for Baxter and I's sins. (In case you don't know who Gilad Shalit is,

Next year hopefully I will be celebrating the high holidays in Israel! Sababa (awesome/cool)!!

So the Eagles won on Sunday, happy about that. After last weeks game I wondered if we could hold it together without McNabb and I think its been proved that we can! Another sababa moment.

On a more serious note, I am really distraught by the news that facebook is going to shutdown the facebook pages of many major respected jewish organizations. This doesn't make any sense to me, and I have no idea how facebook could do this. Of course, they chose to do it on the day after Yom Kippur. The JIDF and all of those organizations do great work to keep hatred off the Internet as well as provide a network for Jews. Why does the world hate us so much- and why do we keep asking ourselves this question throughout history? Without organizations to help hatred stay with the crazies who thrive off of it, more lies get spread about Jews, more lies that do not need to spread. Whether your Jewish or not, anti-semitism is a HUGE problem in this world, and I urge EVERYONE to help stop ANY sort of hatred towards ANYONE (except for terrorists- we can all safely hate them as much as we want).

I posted the news article about the Jewish organizations after this post. Read and take action- I did, 'cause I am sababa like that.

(see you and peace) להיתראות... שלום ואהבה

Monday, September 21, 2009

maybe i won't miss football so much after all

The eagles played quite pathetically this week and I really don't want to talk about it. It was just miserable. The defense. The offense. Just everything fell apart. I'm just going to look forward to making a sick come back next week- right guys?

Anyways, שנה טובה to all my chosen people out there.

Finally one more step into the aliyah process- filling out forms for Jewish Agency. Now, I wait for them to contact me, and I can finally get rolling on this process. I know its going to be VERY complicated, and I might as well start sooner than later. I'd be going in August (as my apartment lease here is up September 1st) so its less than a year away. I think I've made up my mind by now about going, and it doesn't seem like my mind changing because thinking about moving makes me super happy. So does Baxter. He is sooooooooooo cute. Like too cute for life. I think he's excited to move too.

And another finally- new seasons of TV! summer really flew by, I can't believe the 2 hour season premiere of House is tonight.

Gonna go watch the news.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hire me, I need money to move to israel!

Ok first an observation- everyone seems to want to hire someone with experience- so then how did all these people get that first job to get the experience to hire someone? I just want to be a hostess or wait tables, and I have a brain (I think) that I use (sometimes), isn't that enough? If anything I'm OVER qualified, I just don't have any experience.

Anyways.... I started hebrew ulpan last night! שלום! מה נשמע? הכול בסדר פא Shalom! Ma nishma? Hakol bseder. Hi, whats up? Everythings ok here. Ayyyyyyyyyy (thinking of it like the Fonzi "ayyyyy.") I'm learning! I really just want to know hebrew. But its the first real step I can take right now for my move- I don't want to contact the aliyah agencies too early.

Its funny how much living in israel remains on my mind throughout the day and its been a good two months since I've been back. But I'm not surprised at the same time because I've been constantly reminding myself why I want to do it.

One of the biggest things I think about is what I'm going to miss about America when I move. Most of its pretty dumb- material or food related. Bacon. My eagles. Starbucks skinny vanilla lattes. Manicures and pedicures.

All material things- pathetic on my part, but such is life. But I kind of laugh when I think about, because it's not that I'll miss them. I'll miss them, but at the same time, I want to move to Israel enough that I don't so much care about those things. Its more important that I follow this really strange and inexplicable desire to move there and make what I can of it. I can replace crack I mean skinny vanilla lattes with regular ones, right? Watch I move and start drinking black coffee. That'd make life easier.

I think its time to snuggle with Baxter and get a manicure and pedicure. להתראות! see ya lata.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


at the end of june i was diagnosed with insulin resistance, which means i really need to watch my blood sugar. this weekend, i sort of forgot about that. but then i was thinking of everything i ate, and i realized i actually could have been a lot worse (and a lot better...).

diners, drive ins, and dives road trip! lots of tasty shit. best thing- banana bread french toast at o' rourkes in middletown, ct.

i missed the baxter a whole lot but now he's back!

i start my internship bright and early tomorrow morning. ugh to the bright and early part, but this should be a cool internship. i really need to get a part time job to save up money so i can move!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

where to start?

i don't think there's any point in writing some fancy introduction as a first post to my blog- do you? i'm just gonna start writing.

so lately i've been having a crazy moral dilemma, one many of my fellow philadelphia eagles fans have encountered. michael vick, a very talented college quarterback who also happened to be found guilty of dog fighting related charges and served prison time as a result, has been signed to the eagles and has played in a few of their preseason games. in fact, he just scored a touchdown, which is kind of what sparked this e-mail. i am dog owner and dog lover/animal lover. i cried harder in lassie when i thought lassie might have been hurt than any movie where a human was in danger as a child (ok...sometimes still to this day). how could i possibly embrace michael vick as an eagle? i do believe second chances, that everyone makes mistakes, and i do think he could feel genuine regret and remorse for what he did. but i also don't understand how anyone could ever hurt a dog to begin to with. what did the dog ever do to you? humans i can understand- humans are capable of harm, emotional and physical. but not dogs- not unless YOU threaten them and put them in the position to defend themselves because they feel threatened. i could grant people second chances, but i think this may be an exception to that.

i am a die hard eagles fan. as an eagles fan, i want to embrace michael vick as a big talent who could be a huge asset to the team, especially one whose current starting quarterback, donovan mcnabb, the very reason i became an eagles fan in the first place, is admittedly getting past his prim. mcnabb could easily take a young talent like vick under his wing and make him into a solid starter. but i can't cheer for vick. i can't. i don't want HIM to score touchdowns, even if i want the eagles to score touchdowns. what is a eagles lover and a dog lover supposed to do?

this is all andy reid's fault. but i'll touch on him later.